Finished Crime & Clutter last night. The mystery was from Mary Alice's past and with the help of her friends she follows the clues to finding out about the father she did not really remember since he went away when she was an infant. The clues follow the flower child and protest events of the 60's so for many this would be a trip down memory lane. I graduated high school in the 70's and so this was news when I was old enough to pay attention, but I was not in college when the "movement" was the big thing. Still, the historic references created that feeling of closeness with the people in the story. I have not tried the recipes just yet but I did copy down some and one in particular looks really good "When Life gets Sticky, dip it in Chocolate Cookies."
I will look for Salzman's Dying to Decorate soon, but first I found a new Johanna Lindsey Regency romance - The Devil Who Tamed Her, which sounds like a real good read for the 4th of July weekends - I know it is in the middle this time and the library is only closed on Wednesday - but weekends are for seriously fun reading! Right?
donna =)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Great mystery now on to romance
Posted by
8:35 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Crime & Clutter
Crime & Clutter, well I have the clutter at my house but no crime thank goodness. Crime & Clutter by Cyndy Salzmann is a delightful read. I have just started it and found out about these wonderful friends that belong the to the Friday Afternoon Club referred to in the book as FAC. I will find some more of these books. Friendship, humor and delicious recipes are great plus it looks like there is a mystery to solve, but I get the feeling that the friendships are more important and that is fine by me.
Hope you have a good book for the weekend. In case you don't remember, the libraries are open Saturdays 9 am - 1 pm, so go find a fun read if you have some time to relax.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: friendship, mystery, recipes
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Summer Reading favorites to share
Central City Library re-opened on June 3, 2007 with a crowd of over 200 on Sunday afternoon. Summer Reading program begins this Wednesday and Thursday in our all new children's programming area. Preparing for Get a Clue programs, I re-read an old friend of mine, Trixie Belden #7 The Mysterious Code. It was originally published in 1961 when I was 8. Yes, I said old friend. I loved that series even better than Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys, although I read many from each of those two series also. Trixie had a club Bob Whites of the Glen, she had two kind parents and three brothers. I liked her family and friends as well as her mysteries. The acrobatic alphabet in the Mysterious Code was a special treat and I did find a friend back then to write notes with. Lots of good memories there.
If you have a favorite book or character from childhood, share it with a child this summer. They need to know what books made memories for you. Pass on your love of reading...share a title or a character today!
Posted by
11:06 AM
Labels: memories, summer reading, Trixie Belden
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Love Inspired: A Soldier's Heart
The library has many books in the Love Inspired series including some in Large Type.
I just finished one of the newest ones, A Soldier's Heart, by Marta Perry. It is seventh in her series, The Flanagans, about an Irish family of firefighters. Straight out of today's headlines, wounded soldier Luke Marino returns to his hometown but refuses physical therapy for his legs injured in combat. Enter high school sweetheart Mary Kate Flanagan, a widow who has a part time job with the therapy company contracted by the Army for Luke's care and you have a very heartwarming story of recovery from both physical and emotional scars.
Mary Kate's husband died just a year earlier from cancer and left her with two small children, Michael and Shawna. The difficulties they face and the prayers and encouragement of family and friends make this a truly inspiring read.
I look forward to checking out some of the others in the series and since I read this first I can say that even though it might have been better to read them in chronological order, this story stands fine on its own. If you love family sagas, check this one out!
Posted by
3:43 PM
Labels: Christian Fiction, Love Inspired, The Flanagans
Monday, June 4, 2007
Central City Grand Re-Opening
Wow! Central City Public Library which has been closed since February 3, 2007 for expansion and renovation, re-opened Sunday, June 3, 2007, with a wonderful celebration. The Grand Re-Opening at 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 2:00 p.m., was attended by around 200 people (more details later). Patrons enjoyed the ceremony, refreshments and tours of the newly remodeled facility which included a new children's book area and children's programming area, a new teen space, a new leisure reading area, an archive of historical photo negatives, and a new meeting room which includes the Kentucky Women's Hall of Fame sponsored by the Central City Business and Professional Women's Club.
Lots of new books on the shelf. Reserves are easy to do. Call or email to reserve books from the new books listing on the web or in the library newsletter. And if you stop by the library, check out the new book display for the latest titles. Hope to see you soon at the Central City or Harbin Memorial libraries in Muhlenberg County.
This is the place to share when you discover an exciting new author or book. Let others know about those special reads that you feel are thrilling, exciting, heartwarming, uplifting or just plain fun.
Posted by
10:45 PM