Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Heir by John Robertson

Want to be a billionaire. What if you suddenly inherited millions of dollars from your estranged father? This happens to Jason in The Heir, by John Robertson. Jason, his wife and his brother have lived a life of ease on a large monthly allowance from their father, but when dies unexpectedly in an automobile accident, Jason is the heir to the whole kingdom built of politics, intimidation, and corruption. The agreement had always been that the estate would go to his father's charitable foundation. Why did he change his mind? Who is so upset by this that they might want to murder Jason? How does one cope with the public spotlight of being one of the richest men in the country? Can a marriage survive based on money alone? This is an intriguing premise for a novel published by a publisher of Christian fiction, although The Heir vaguely alludes to Christianity by the only Christian character in the entire book near the final denouement.
Labels: Posted by Anniesse

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