Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Walking on Eggshells for parents of grown children

Hello MCPL readers! I am at that stage in life where my kids are smarter, faster and can do more than me, on any given day. I am a mother with a nest that is not empty but is past me...so when I saw this new book at the library, I had to give it a try. Walking on Eggshells: Navigating the Delicate Relationship Between Adult Children and Parents by Jane Isay.

The advice she gives is give no advice, they don't want it, won't take it and even if you are right later, does not matter if you save them from a fate such as alcohol dependency or a bad relationship, whatever goes wrong after that is your fault. Sad, but I can testify, it is basically true. Reading through helped me understand a little better that our kids just want us to listen when they complain, not help, not fix it, not suggest, just listen. Hard for parents who want to prevent their child - no matter how old from being hurt. But, examples in this book and in my own life right now are clear. Listen more and talk less is the only way to keep them close.
A good read to calm yourself down through family difficulties. Not new info just presented in a good way. dfs

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