Thursday, March 20, 2008

Robin Parrish Interview

Author Robin Parrish was kind enough to talk with me a bit about the first two books in his Dominion Trilogy series, Fearless and Relentless. He also mentions what to expect in the third installment. Both of Parrish's books are available at the Muhlenberg County Public Library.

Wes: Give us a bit of background on yourself along with your biggest inspirations as a writer.

Robin: I’m a 32 year old professional novelist from High Point, North Carolina. Married to a wonderful wife Karen, and at the time of this interview, we are expecting our first child any day now! We know he’s a boy, and we’re naming him Evan.

My background is in journalism and marketing, both of which come in pretty useful as a novelist. Any kind of writing you can do on a regular basis — even if it’s journalism — can’t help but strengthen the way you string together words. It’s like anything else: the more you do it…

My biggest inspirations as a writer largely come from unconventional mediums (for a novelist) like film, television, and comic books. But a few of my favorite novelists are Michael Crichton, my friend James Byron Huggins, Ted Dekker, Neil Gaiman, and Peretti’s early stuff. And of course Lewis and Tolkien.

Wes: Describe the plot of the Dominion Trilogy to our readers without giving away too much.

: Wow, what a loaded question… The Dominion Trilogy is about a group of people who discover that they have been given extraordinary powers, but they don’t know why. Book 1 is about their discovery of this power and how they learn to use it. Book 2 is about their decision to use their powers for good, and the consequences of that decision. And Book 3 is about what happens when they finally find out the reason they were given these powers — and it wasn’t what they expected.

The story centers around our hero, Grant Borrows. He’s an everyman with a painful past who must overcome his own hurts and biases about other people to become the most powerful of all the heroes. But a 7,000 year old conspiracy has designs on Grant that tempts him down a path that leads to a very dark destiny. Can destiny be overcome? Do we get to make our own choices, or is everything predetermined? And is there power in fighting the good fight — even if the battle has already been lost?

These questions and many more form the basis of The Dominion Trilogy.

Wes: What first sparked the idea to create this world and its inhabitants?

Robin: It was one of those sudden flashes of inspiration, like the old story you hear about C.S. Lewis and how he had this mental image that came out of nowhere of the faun in the snow, carrying an umbrella near a lamppost. Similarly, I had a vision of a man who was getting off of the bus on his way to work one morning in a big city, and across the street at the bus stop, he sees… himself. Figuring out what that was all about, and answering all of the questions that it created, birthed the entire idea in my mind.

Wes: Both books in the series appeal to fans of supernatural tales like Heroes and Lost. Do you feel the book and movie industry is more acceptant of stories such as these than ever before?

Robin: No question. Audiences love big-budget spectacles, but they also love stories that speak to ancient truths of the human condition. Truths like — these are ideas that are engrained in us, built into our DNA, and we can’t deny them no matter what. They move us, because somewhere in our souls, we know they’re true.

Wes: You, along with a visual artist, produced an online comic strip entitled Guardian which bridged the two books together. Are there any plans to do this before the release of the third book? Any plans to revisit these characters in comic form after Dominion is done?

Robin: No, no current plans to tell more stories in the Dominion Trilogy universe. It made sense to do the mini “graphic novel” as we called it between books 1 and 2 because there was a two-month gap in storytelling time between them. There is no gap whatsoever between 2 and 3; 3 picks up at the exact moment that 2 ends.

As for plans to revisit these characters…. Nothing is planned right now, though you never know what the future might hold. I’m definitely not going to say “never,” because while Merciless is the definitive ending of Grant’s story, it leaves open some possibilities for some of the supporting players. And there’s room for more stories in the Dominion Trilogy universe, I think, but what I do next will be a fresh start, set in a different world unconnected to the Trilogy.

Wes: While your trilogy will predominately appeal to those who enjoy tales of superheroes, there are also dashes of romance and spirituality. Is this something you purposely did to grab the attention of outside audiences? Or, do you feel that a good tale of supernatural heroics cannot exist without those aspects?

Robin: Any good superhero story is going to be a morality tale, no matter how you slice it. The main character has something in their past or some fatal flaw that must be overcome, and in their overcoming it, that makes them a hero and therefore worthy to go out and help others. That’s just the basic blueprint for how superhero stories work, particular superhero origins.

But on a more personal level, I just happen to love stories that mix in elements of lots of different genres. The Dominion Trilogy are most easily described as “suspense/thrillers,” but there’s loads of other stuff in there too. As you said, you’ll find bits of romance, drama, a sprinkling of fantasy, plenty of mystery, and bucket loads of action. I also love witty dialogue, so anything funny that I try to write usually comes out in banter between characters. I love superheroes. I love the classic hero’s journey and all of the archetypes that come with it (and taking those archetypes as far outside of the box as they can go and still making them work was one of the funnest aspects of designing this story, for me). And I love stories that have something to say about the nature of human existence, why we’re here, what we’re doing here, who put us here and why.

All of those things are stuff you can probably look for in most of my future work, though I intend to have a go at lots of different genres and try my hand at a little of everything.

Wes: The final book releases in 2008 – can you give us a tease of what’s to come? And, a note to our readers, please skip this question if you don’t wish to have the first two books spoiled.

Robin: That’s a tough one, because I have avoided talking about this one in a very strict, very intentional way, because it contains everything that the fans have been waiting for, and I don’t want to spoil the experience. Every major mystery is answered and resolved, and in a very real way, the first two books were merely set up and back-story for what happens in Merciless. This is without a doubt the main event.

Without getting too specific… Characters live, characters die. The epilogue at the end of Fearless wasn’t a throwaway bit, with all of the world’s timepieces stopping. Time as we understand it has literally been removed from the equation, and this is a major plot point with huge ramifications. Did Grant die when he fell in that abyss? Well, yes he did. But what makes you assume death is the end? What becomes of all of the friends he left behind without him there to lead and guide them, and what jaw-dropping, mind-boggling thing comes crawling out of that hole in the ground where Grant fell? Whatever it is, it’s what the entire plot of the last two books has been building to.

Oh, and the world ends.

How’s that?

Wes: Sounds fantastic! Hearing your previous statement makes my anticipation for the final book all the more greater. That’s all the questions I’ve prepared, so, please leave us with any closing words or thoughts you might have.

Robin: I can report that I have just signed a contract with Bethany House for three more novels, which will keep me writing through 2011. No more trilogies or series for me for a long while, though. This was a real brain-buster and I need a breath of fresh air. So I’ll be doing three standalone novels next.

The first is titled Offworld — and this is the first time I’ve publicly revealed that title. It’s got all the action and suspense and whatnot that you’d expect from me, but it’s a complete departure from the Trilogy. It’s a science fiction story first and foremost, with a big twist and a huge mystery at its core that’s going to keep you up at night, trying to figure it out.

After that I’m planning a supernatural thriller that’s also going to keep you up at night, but for different reasons. ;) I think I’ve settled on a title for that one now, but since it’s so far out, I’m going to hold off on revealing any details just yet.

Wes: Thanks for talking with us, Robin, good luck with the trilogy and Offworld. Can’t wait to find out how Dominion ends!

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